Once again, the address is 606 6th street, LA, CA. on the corner of 6th street and Crocker.
Here are pics from the site.
This is the main lot, there will be a DJ spinning right here I assume.

more pics from the outside, do you recognize any of these spots, "the church" is used in movies and tv shows very often. (this last week, we had a meeting with the promoter that is helping us put together our art show, but we had to reschedule because there was a film scout and a crew checking out the lot. BJ, our gracious representative of the site, our awesome promoter and a good pal: says that the building's purpose is usually for film, that's most of the revenue. So, if you happen to want to shoot here, I'll (leftyjoe) put you in contact with the right peepz.

Here are pis of the inside, where the art show will cover the walls of the entire premesis.

Our show will momentarily push aside the art of Michael Godard that currently adorns the walls.

Here's where a great live band will be performing, (hopefully they don't rock the art rigt off the walls)

And, the awesome upstairs area will also hold art, along with a small independent bazzar. Merchants and artisans will be selling their unique swag.

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